Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level I
Sky Technologies has achieved the necessary qualifications for Level 1 of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification or CMMC is a set of policies and practices critical to organizations that support or feed into the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). Partners and suppliers to the DIB will have their cybersecurity posture compared to these criteria to determine how well prepared they are to handle cybersecurity threats and also how well cybersecurity is integrated into their organizational culture.
CMMC level 1 is the lowest level of security controls required for a defense contractor to earn Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification. This is considered the basic cybersecurity hygiene needed to safeguard Federal Contract Information (FCI).
Level 1 is the foundation for the Defense Industrial Base, including those contractors looking to achieve a higher level of certification.
Level 1 focuses on the protection of FCI and consists of only practices that correspond to the basic safeguarding requirements specified in 48 CFR 52.204-21, commonly referred to as the FAR Clause
For more information concerning CMMC please visit https://www.cmmcaudit.org/
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Level 27001
ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized specification for an Information Security Management System, or ISMS. It’s the only auditable standard that deals with the overall management of information security, rather than just which technical controls to implement. Achieving ISO 27001 certification means that Sky Technologies:
- Created an ISO 27001 compliant information security management system
Had our company certified by an accredited certification body
Is ready to maintain and continually improve our certification
According to its documentation, ISO 27001 was developed to "provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an information security management system."
The ISO 27001 accredation includes details for documentation, management responsibility, internal audits, continual improvement, and corrective and preventive action. The standard requires cooperation among all sections of an organization.
For more information concerning ISO 27001 please visit https://www.iso.org/isoiec-27001-information-security.html